Generating Economic Insights From Mental Health Service Data - A Utility Mapping Study

This presentation describes a utility mapping study, the open science resources developed to support study replication and a toolkit for applying the utility models produced to new data.

ready4fun: Author and Document Functions for Open and Modular Mental Health Systems Models

**An** R package that provides tools for authoring and documenting functions that help implement ready4 framework methods...

ready4class: Create, Extend and Document Classes and Methods for Open and Modular Mental Health Simulations

**An** R package that provides tools for creating and documenting classes and methods that represent ready4 framework modules and sub-modules...

ttu_lng_ss: Create a Draft Scientific Manuscript For A Utility Mapping Study

**An** R subroutine program that authors a draft scientific manuscript for utility mapping studies documented with the TTU package...

ready4pack: Author R Packages That Extend The Ready4 Framework for Open and Modular Mental Health Systems Models

**An** R package that provides tools for authoring R packages of ready4 framework modules...

youthvars: Describe and Validate Youth Mental Health Datasets

**An** R package that includes tools to describe and quality assure types of data commonly present in youth mental health collections...

scorz: Score Questionnaire Item Responses

**An** R package that provides tools to calculate summary scores from instrument questionnaire responses...

ready4show: Author Literate Programs to Share Insights from Applying the Ready4 Framework

**An** R package that provides tools for authoring R Markdown programs and subroutines that implement or report mental helath modelling analysis developed with ready4 framework tools...

ready4use: Author, Label and Share Ready4 Framework Datasets

**An** R package that provides tools to label and curate datasets for use in open and modular mental health models developed with the ready4 framework...

Complete study program to reproduce all steps from data ingest through to results dissemination for a study to map mental health measures to AQoL-6D health utility

**An** R program to replicate all steps from an AQoL-6D utility mapping study from original data ingest through analysis, reporting and results dissemination...