Spring To Life

A model of people.

Generating Economic Insights From Mental Health Service Data - A Utility Mapping Study

This presentation describes a utility mapping study, the open science resources developed to support study replication and a toolkit for applying the utility models produced to new data.

Transfer to AQoL-6D Utility Mapping Algorithms

A results and replication dataset for an AQoL-6D utility mapping study. Contains model catalogues and model meta-data that can be used in conjunction with the youthu R package to predict AQoL-6D in clinical youth mental health samples...

ttu_lng_ss: Create a Draft Scientific Manuscript For A Utility Mapping Study

**An** R subroutine program that authors a draft scientific manuscript for utility mapping studies documented with the TTU package...

ttu_mdl_ctlg: Generate a template utility mapping (transfer to utility) model catalogue

**An** R Markdown program to generate a catalogue of utility mapping models designed for use in conjunction with the TTU R package...

Complete study program to reproduce all steps from data ingest through to results dissemination for a study to map mental health measures to AQoL-6D health utility

**An** R program to replicate all steps from an AQoL-6D utility mapping study from original data ingest through analysis, reporting and results dissemination...

TTU (Transfer to Utility) R package - EQ-5D vignette output

A dataset of synthetic (fake) data to illustrate the outputs of applying TTU R package methods to a synthetic dataset of EQ-5D and mental health measures...

TTU (Transfer to Utility) R package - AQoL-6D vignette output

A dataset of synthetic (fake) data to illustrate the outputs of applying TTU R package methods to a synthetic dataset of AQoL-6D and mental health measures...

TTU: Implement Transfer to Utility Mapping Algorithms

**An** R package that contains tools for creating model catalogues and scientific summaries for utility mapping studies and uploading study outputs to online repositories...

aqol6dmap_fakes: Generate fake input data for an AQoL-6D mapping study

**An** R program to generate a synthetic (fake) dataset similar to that used to map a range of psychological measures to AQoL-6D health utility in a clinical sample of young people...